Archive for June 2014

Favorite duos and sunny days

I'm pretty bias, but these two really are my favorite duo. I've known Emily ever since my sister and I arrived in Canada, and we coincidentally went to the same high school. She's witnessed all my ridiculous hair styles and that time I used to wear pink socks and blue converse, and we've pretty much made a pact to be homegirls until our bones are no more. 

It's hard for me to feel genuinely comfortable with people, or where my level of sass and cynicism is understood, but I definitely feel at ease and pressure free with these two. They've got hearts of gold, the power to make someone choke on their food due to their hilarious selves, and I love them a whole damn lot. 

Hair & Makeup by the lovely Melissa Boerger.

Light and shadow and everything else

I've been thinking a lot lately about being intentional with your craft and relations and life in general. I've been taking less photos just because I find it doesn't serve the same purpose for me as it used to, and now I'm thinking about ways to re-invent the way I use photography, as a means of story telling alongside everything else I portray. A means to expand my aesthetic and be intentional as to how I choose to brand myself. 

I think I'm just learning how to be more genuine and true to my present taste and as I change and grow over the years, to carry the same soul throughout every season. The wonderful thing about sharing stories and sharing yourself is that you can choose the medium, the way you approach it, and all the details will weave into other people's stories. We have the power to move and be moved. 


I just came back from a 2 month trip out west and I didn't take many larger scale photographs, but I did take a couple shots in the bathroom of the apartment we were staying at, and the light was interesting and Monica killed it.